If there’s one thing for certain about most people these days, it’s that we’re more stressed out than ever before. We have so much more going on, and so much more to think about, that it can feel like our brains are overloaded with information. Here are a few ways you can attempt to manage that information, reduce your overall stress levels, and increase happiness.
1. Start Journaling
Start journaling and write out everything going on in your head. Remember, what you write doesn’t need to be cohesive. It’s not for other people, and it’s not supposed to create a neat and tidy story. This is to help you. Just do it and don’t worry about it!
2. Try Baking
Baking is one of the most therapeutic things out there. Not only do you get to make something that looks and tastes amazing, you can get lost in stirring, adding ingredients, and the other components of baking. Making sure you have high quality ingredients like turbinado cane sugar will ensure all of your bakes end up delicious, whatever you decide to make!
3. Get A Workout In
You may be one of those people who claims not to like exercise, but we all need to be active to stay healthy. You could go for a walk, do some Yoga, or even try some strength training. Weight training is proven to increase endorphins and reduce stress, so don’t sleep on it.
4. Breathe Deep
A deep breath is like a love letter to your body. We simply don’t do it enough! Most of us take shallow breaths because we are so stressed, and this tells the body that we’re stressed. When you can, try taking deep breaths throughout the day.
5. Stop Putting Pressure On Yourself
Stop putting internal pressure on yourself or you might explode. Try to relax. How can you make your life easier today? What will make everything more manageable? Even if you have to speak to your boss and reduce your workload, do what you need to do to reduce stress.
6. Minimize Your To-Do List
Piling things onto your to-do list will leave you nothing but stressed – especially if you don’t manage to get it all done. Be realistic. Pick 3 major things that you must get done that day. Anything else is a bonus!
7. Take A Nap
Take a quick nap and you might find that you are more focused with better memory retention. There’s a reason modern day workplaces are introducing nap pods.
8. Talk About It
Don’t suffer in silence. Tell somebody you love, even if it seems silly. Talk therapy is extremely effective, which is why many people get a therapist if they don’t have somebody trustworthy to talk to. Do try to stay in touch with people you love, however. We need human connection to thrive.
9. Eat A Balanced Diet
Balanced meals will fuel your body right and stop you from feeling lethargic.
10. Find Things To Be Grateful For
Always find things to be grateful for, even for the lessons from the ‘bad’ things that happen to you. When you focus on gratitude, you’ll find more to be grateful for.
How have you reduced your stress and increased your happiness? Let me know in the comments below!