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Day 4 Of My Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse

Oh, day 4Β of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Today, was a lot easier. I woke up took the Master Aminos supplement and since my alarm was set to take the Power Shake I ended up going back to sleep. Woke up to the alarm to take the Power Shake. I did that until 2:00 PM. […]

GlobeIn Giveaway

GlobeIn Giveaway Hosted by Deals of Sweetness and Pea of Sweetness Sponsored by GlobeIn At GlobeIn, shoppers discover wonderful one-of-a-kind wares and hear the stories of the artisans first hand. With each click, they become armchair travelers and share in another culture. With each purchase, they support not just an artisan, but their craft and […]

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