New year, new you. Or, at least that’s what you tell yourself as the clock strikes midnight and you are filled with optimism about the next 365 days ahead of you. However, even if you have made a few new year’s resolutions, sticking to them is another issue entirely. But you want to change, you want to build excellent habits in your personal and professional life, and to do this, you need to make sure you stick to your new year’s resolutions. Whatever they might be.
1. Keep a Journal
It’s fine to say you’re going to start vaping instead of smoking cigarettes, or that you will do 50 push-ups a day, every day. This is an excellent place to start, but it’s difficult to keep track of whether you have stuck to your plan. Keeping a journal is an excellent way to keep track of your progress, and any feelings or concerns about whether you can do it. It’s easy to get wrapped up about your chances of succeeding if you let the thoughts fly around in your head, so use a journal to get your feeling onto the page, as this will make them easier to remember and work through.
2. Make Yourself Accountable
Some people will try to keep their new year’s resolutions to themselves because they fear failing. They don’t want others to know their struggles. While this can be useful, it also means you are not accountable for any hiccups you make along the way. You needn’t announce your plans to the world, but working with someone to change bad habits or start good ones will make it easier for you to stay on course from January first all the way towards December 31st and even beyond that.
3. Identify Triggers for Bad Habits
Everyone has a bad habit or two that they wish they could escape. It might be snacking on sugary foods, which is why you’ve decided that going on a diet is the best resolution for you. Whatever it is, it is easier to stick to your new year’s resolutions by identifying what triggers bad habits. Once you have managed this, you can avoid these triggers or at least look for ways to replace the bad habit once the trigger occurs. Consider things like exercise (a few sit-ups should do the trick), or reading through a list of why you want to avoid these bad habits.
4. Don’t Think You’ve Failed
It’s easy to give up on your new year’s resolutions the first time you encounter a hurdle. You think that you are destined to be like this forever. You shouldn’t think this way, though. Even if you don’t entirely reach your goals, you can still look at the progress you’ve made. It’s always better to try something and not exactly get there than it is to not try at all. At the very least, you have something to build on for next year.
New Year, New You
New year’s resolutions are supposed to be a means for self-improvement. So, sticking to your goals is crucial. At the end of the day, though, you’re only human, so a little mistake here and there is okay, just make sure you get back on track as soon as possible.
What other ways have you done to stick with your New Year’s Resolution? Let me know in the comments below!