6 Ways To Amp Up Your Energy Every Day

Are you tired of feeling, well, tired every day? If so, there are several ways you can amp up your energy and ensure you’re feeling good and raring to go each day. Of course, you should rule out any possible health issues beforehand to make sure that you’re not suffering from fatigue for any other reason. You may need to head to the doctors and have a blood test to be sure that you’re totally healthy.

Once you’re sure that there are no physical issues impacting your energy, you can see if the following ideas work for you:

1. Drink Water First Thing

Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water, and don’t let coffee or an energy drink be your first beverage of the day. As soon as you get out of bed, drink a large pint glass of water. Try to drink it in one, and you will kickstart your water intake for the day and instantly feel refreshed. We often wake up feeling quite dehydrated, so drink water before you do anything else!

2. Take The Right Supplements

Taking the right supplements can help to give you more energy, as well as improve your life by doing things like reducing the pain of arthritis. Taking supplements such as Glucosamine Chondroitin could help to improve your quality of life and amp that energy up!

3. Get Your Heart Rate Up

You may think that you have no energy to exercise, but exercising can actually give you energy. This is why it’s quite smart to get your heart rate up for a little bit in the morning, as it can give you energy for the rest of the day. You’d be surprised at how energetic and happy you can feel after a good workout.

4. Drink Caffeine At The Right Times

Caffeine can be used to your advantage if you want to amp up your energy, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Make sure you drink it at the right times to make the most of it. When we get out of bed, we often have a good hour or so of natural energy. Later on in the morning, you can have your first caffeine drink. Bear in mind that if you feel you need a coffee as soon as you get up, you’re probably a little sleep deprived. Focus on getting more sleep and you may be able to reduce your caffeine intake. A second caffeine drink in the afternoon can help you to finish the day right, but ideally, you shouldn’t consume caffeine after 4pm as it can keep you awake at night.

5. Know When You’re At Your Most Productive

Everyone has their own most productive hours. Know when you are at your most productive and do the hardest task of the day. Most people like to do this in the morning before distractions get in the way!

6. Work On Reducing Stress and Triggers

Reduce your stress triggers and you’ll feel like you have fewer β€˜tabs open’ in your brain. For example, avoid checking social media and emails until you have gotten some real work done.

What other ways do you do to amp up your energy? Let me know in the comments below!



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