Having an upcoming event will probably consume a lot of space in your mind until it’s over. Whether you’re planning a wedding, a baby shower, or an anniversary, you likely want to create a lasting impression on your guests. Generally, hosting an event can be a fun and exciting way to connect with people, raise funds, or launch a project. The process may feel tedious, but you can do a few things to save yourself a lot of stress and trouble. Consider the following tips to make your event feel special and memorable.
1. Create a fun theme
The event theme can include everything from colors to fonts and phrasing. The key is to be consistent. You can use social media to create a buzz and engage the audience ahead of time. You can draw inspiration from the ads for events like the super bowl, the Grammys, or even Coachella that use glittering lights, upbeat music, and teasing surprises. Include videos in your planning process and share photos of preferred dressing for your guest. You can also call a few of your guests to create a buzz. After all, everybody appreciates a more personalized invitation approach.
2. Consider bringing in an event host
You are not required to host an event simply because you are organizing one. You can assign your event line-up coordination to an emcee or event host if you are task-oriented or find interacting with people overwhelming. An event host will allow you to work behind the scenes and ensure that everything runs uninterrupted. An excellent host generally has a large and bright personality and isn’t afraid to be put on display. They’re also adept at performing on the move, maintaining high energy, and keeping your people focused.
3. Spoil the audience with a feeling of abundance
Having a variety of everything from food and drinks to games can make the event more exciting and worthwhile for everybody present. Your guest will instantly feel like you considered their preferences. Catering, in particular, is an effective approach to making a positive impression on your guests. When in doubt, think of the expression that the way to the heart is through the stomach. Are you celebrating a milestone? Anniversary or graduation? A cake is a must-have. You can go the extra mile and bake it yourself. And while there are many to spice up your event, you can find one of my favorite white cake recipes here.
4. Add a surprise
Surprises are a great way to leave a lasting impression and one that will be remembered for a long time after the event. Whether small or large, the most important thing is that it is noteworthy. It could be a surprise DJ bringing in some of the classics for a smaller party. You could also have a dance troupe perform a cultural dance to spice things up. It is all about wowing your guests.
These are just a few ways to make your event special. The key here is to be thoughtful, add the feel-good factor, and make everybody as comfortable and relaxed as possible.
What have you done to make your event feel special? Let me know in the comments below!