How To Explain Global Warming To Your Children
According to dictionary.com, climate change is a long-term change in the earth’s climate, especially a change due to an increase in the average atmospheric temperature. In the news today, there are plenty of bad reports about the impact of climate change. This is a problem that we should take seriously. What can you and your family do regarding this matter? And how can we talk about global warming to the younger generation without freaking them out? We can’t blame them though, even adults tend to be scared of the effects brought by climate change.
Based on scientists’ current findings, we could experience more intense weather, wildfires, and other global warming crisis if we do not eliminate activities that emit greenhouse gases into the air. Therefore, we should put effort into teaching our kids to make significant changes for them to have a better future and make the earth a healthier planet.
1. Consider Their Age
Children of different ages also have a different temperament. Apparently, preschoolers will not easily understand deep topics about science so you should keep it simple. Refrain from complicated explanations that will lead to confusion and fear. Pay attention to their questions and give clear answers.
2. Give Accurate Information
You have to make sure that the details you are telling them are based on accurate information. So you must also read and study facts about climate science such as greenhouse gases (a gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect by absorbing infrared radiation like carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbons), wherein these gases trap the heat from the sun and cause a gradual rise in the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere, etc.
3. Let Them See
A visual aid can serve as an excellent teaching tool for kids. Try to give them a trip to the greenhouse at your local garden center to give your child an idea of how trapping in the sun’s rays works on a smaller scale. It is easier when you show them rather than you just tell them.
4. Highlight The Positive
Do not focus on the negative instead point out on the ways people are defending themselves, from using wind turbines to owning a hybrid car. Some places use energy savers, some install solar panels in Maui.
5. Emphasize That They Are A Big Help
A small step can make a big difference. Even the tiniest kid can do something and create a huge impact. Letting them be involved is the most effective way of teaching them. Simple things such as turning the lights off when not in use or just teaching them to conserve water are basic steps in helping save our nature. Conservation, reducing, recycling and composting can be a part of their daily lives.
Everybody can take part in making our world a better place to live in. There are lots of ways that we can help such as using natural materials instead of plastics that can leave a huge carbon footprint. Reducing the amount of electricity you use in your home is also a great way to lower your footprint. Another way is to look for ways to cut back on water use in your house. Let us do our best to preserve our home and be as green as possible.
What are some ways you explain global warming to your children? Let me know in the comments below!