Winter is hard on our bodies. When we are cold, our immune responses weaken, and we catch more colds and other bugs. Winter tends to be a busy time, and it’s easy to get run down and stressed out. And, of course, cold weather and harsh winds can lead to dry, sore skin. With coughs, and colds doing the rounds, late nights, and rough skin, it’s no surprise that all of our senses take a bit of a battering.
But, they don’t have to. There’s plenty that we can do to protect our senses as we move into winter, ensuring that we can still taste all those fantastic holiday treats, smell winter scented candles, and touch our loved ones.
Practice Yoga
Yoga has many advantages. It can help to reduce our stress levels, boost circulation and ease tension, all of which can be good for your senses. Yoga can also increase blood flow to specific areas, including your face and hands, which can be beneficial.
Go for a Walk
Going for a walk helps your senses in a few different ways. Walking outdoors gives all of your senses a workout. You’ll feel the wind on your skin. You’ll smell the grass and the flowers, you’ll hear different elements of nature, you’ll see the world around you, and you’ll even taste the fresh air. Walking also boosts your circulation and helps you to get a good night’s sleep.
Fit in Some Cardio
Cardio exercise, such as running, reduces your blood pressure, improving your cardiovascular health, and boosting circulation. This can improve all functions of your body, including your senses.
Get a Check-Up
One of the best things you can do to stay healthy and happy over the winter is to get checked out. While you should be able to manage minor coughs and colds at home, if you are worried about anything more serious, make an appointment with your primary care doctor.
Equally, if you have issues with specific senses, get them checked out. If you’ve noticed changes to your vision, see an optometrist, and if you are experiencing hearing loss or tinnitus, an audiologist might be able to offer help and advice.
Boost Your Immunity
Cold and coughs inhibit our ability to taste and smell. You might find that you can’t taste anything, or that everything tastes the same. This can lead to a loss of appetite.
Improving your immunity won’t mean that you never get ill, but it reduces your risks, and a good immune system can mean that you fight off illness quicker or experience milder symptoms.
There are plenty of natural ways to boost your immune system, but a big one is diet. Make sure you are eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and drinking lots of water.
Give Your Skin Some TLC
Dry skin can make it harder to feel. It can even mean that your hands are very sore and that you don’t want to touch. Treat your hands to a shea butter hand cream in the winter to keep them soft and healthy.
Winter can be challenging. It can be hard to stay fit and healthy, and many of the things that affect us can hurt our senses too. But, with the right protection, you can still enjoy the season.
In what ways would you be taking care of your sense this winter? Let me know in the comments below!