Fun and Exciting Ways to Stay Fit Without Realizing It

Did you know that around 60 percent of adults in the U.S. do not take the recommended amount of daily exercise? Furthermore, an approximate 25 percent don’t take any exercise at all. These are statistics produced by the CDC.

With the onset of the global pandemic, fitting in exercise has probably been difficult for many. As the world starts to recover you may have decided that you want to get fit and healthy. You could start by choosing an exercise that is gentle and relaxing such as yoga to get you started if you are interested in a regular workout routine that helps reduce stress. However, you may want to undertake a way of staying active that doesn’t involve going to the gym or doing sit-ups. If that is the case then this post is for you. Below you will find fun and exciting ways to stay active that you can incorporate into your daily life. These are things that will keep your interest and have you getting fit in no time at all.

Increase Your Steps by Walking

Walking is a great way of getting in shape and staying fit and healthy. There are ways to increase your steps each day. For example, going for a walk round the block, walking in the park, taking the dog for a walk, getting off public transport a few stops earlier, taking the stairs or rather than sending an email, walk to your manager or staff to talk rather than using email. What is also a great motivator is a fitness watch which will track your steps.

Do Housework

You can achieve two things when you clean your home. First you get a nice tidy and clean home but secondly you are using calories and keeping fit. This is especially true when you use a vacuum cleaner! Dusting high and low will get you bending and burning calories as will scrubbing areas such as the bathroom floor. You will be amazed at how many calories you burn during housework.

Take Up Dancing

Dancing is another great way of burning off those calories. It’s also a fun thing to do and the happy endorphins released will have you smiling for hours! You can choose a dance class that interests you which is locale. It’s a great way of meeting new friends too.

Take Up Martial Arts

Martial arts is another way of improving your fitness, flexibility and helping you stay in shape. There are so many forms of martial arts to choose from such as Jiu Jitsu or Aikido or Judo. Choose one that interests you. There are many clubs which offer martial arts, so check out ones local to you.

The above are just a few ways that you can stay active without even realizing it. The key to getting and staying active is to do something that you enjoy. This means you will stick with it. From housework to martial arts, or taking up a sport or activity that you are interested in. Also, incorporating activity into your daily routine will certainly help you keep at it.

What other ways that you don’t realize that  you are doing to stay fit? Let me know in the comments below!



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