A Nighttime Routine For A Better Nightโ€™s Sleep

So, how did you sleep last night? If you slept like a baby and woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day, then great! But if you had trouble sleeping, and if you are currently feeling overly tired, then you might want to make a few changes.

To help you sleep better, there are changes you can make in your bedroom. You can add more storage to cut out the problem of any clutter that might distract you from your slumber. You can soundproof your windows to keep out any distracting noises from outside. And you can paint your bedroom walls in colors that are more conducive for rest and relaxation.

You can buy more comfortable bedding too, with sheets that your body will feel comfortable in, and you might also buy a pillow with CBD, as this has proven surprisingly effective for some.

And there are other things you can do to ensure a better night’s sleep, such as making changes within your nighttime routine. On this note, check out our tips below.

1: Quit screen time an hour or so before going to bed

Many of us are glued to our screens, but they aren’t conducive to a restful night’s sleep. Some devices emit blue light, and this can seriously mess up our body clocks. The content we read or watch can stimulate our brains too, and this can also inhibit our chances of getting to sleep. And if we check work emails on our phones or laptops before hitting the hay, we can go to bed thinking about work. These thoughts might stress us out too!

While we don’t want to be the technology police, we do want to recommend better bedtime habits. So, put down your phone, curb your Netflix binges, and switch off your games. Then fill your time doing other things, such as the ideas listed below.

2: Eat and drink something that will relax you

When you’re having something to drink, be sure to limit what you take in. As you will understand, too much to drink before bedtime can result in many nightly trips to the loo. Be sure to drink something that will relax you too, so avoid anything caffeinated, as you will go to bed feeling over-stimulated and more awake than you should be. Instead, drink herbal tea, a glass of milk, or any of these sleep-inducing beverages.

When it comes to having something to eat, don’t chow down on anything that will lie heavily on your stomach. You will struggle to sleep if you do. Instead, focus on something healthy and light, such as a banana, a piece of toast, or any of these foods that will help you sleep.

3: Read a book

You know those books you have on your shelf gathering dust? Why not pick one up and replace your screen time with paper time! Many people start to fall asleep while reading, and this is because it relaxes their minds. So, find something that you might enjoy and unwind with, and not something that will cause you to think too much before bedtime. Read a magazine or a comic book if you can’t be bothered with a novel or any other type of reading material that isn’t contained within a screen. When possible, read in bed, so if you do fall asleep, you won’t end up spending the night curled up on the sofa!

4: Write into a journal

If you are reading a book before getting into bed, you can write into a journal after you have put your book down. But if you do decide to read in bed, this might be something you do before opening the pages of whatever book you might be interested in.

When you write in a journal, you can channel all of your stresses and thoughts. By getting them down on paper, you shouldn’t be burdened with them when you’re trying to sleep. So, write down every thought that is bothering you, make your to-do list for tomorrow, and note down anything else that intrudes upon your mind. By doing so, you should experience fewer mental distractions when you’re focusing on your book, or when you’re trying to drift into sleep.

There are other things you can do before bedtime too. You might go for a short walk, for example, as a little bit of light exercise can relieve you of your stresses and tire you out before bed. You might also listen to music, meditate, or take a relaxing bath. Any of these activities can become part of your nighttime routine, so include them if they help you, and give yourself a better chance of a decent night’s sleep.

Sweet dreams!

What is your nighttime routine for a better nights sleep? Let me know in the comments below!



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