Believe it or not, your everyday behaviors could be hurting your health far more than you realize. If you want to make sure that you are not negatively impacting your health then you can find out whatever you need to know, here.
Skipping out on Sunscreen
Regular use of SPF 15 sunscreen can reduce your chances of developing cancer by 40-50%. A lot of people don’t make using sunscreen a priority and if you are one of them then you could be really compromising your health. This is the last thing that you need, so make sure that you always wear it whenever the sun is out and that you also pay special attention to the areas that you might not have covered. Don’t just reach for the sunscreen during summer either. In fact, you also need to wear it during the winter months. Altitude matters too, because the higher up you are, the more the UV rays will penetrate the epidermal barrier of your skin.
Sitting Down All Day
Studies have shown that 2 out of 3 people spend most of their day sat down. Think about it, you also end up sitting down a lot when you are not even at work as well. You will sit down when you are commuting to work and even when you are eating your meals. When you get home from work, you probably sit down on the couch and watch TV as well. This can really cause you health problems, not to mention that you will also have an increased risk of cancer, blood clots and decreased mental focus. You really don’t have to panic and sign up to a marathon if you want to make a change here. If you are able to keep moving then this will really work in your favor. This could include standing up during TV commercials or even parking your car further away from your office building. When you do, you will force yourself to walk more and this will really help you out.
Skipping out on Sleep
Not getting enough sleep can cause you to experience a huge variety of ailments. Some of them include inflammation, hypertension, depression, obesity and even heart disease as well. Experts really do recommend practicing a good bedtime ritual where possible. This can include taking a bath, cutting down on coffee or even avoiding alcohol. If you feel as though you drink too much alcohol then it may be a good idea for you to invest in couples rehab.
Reaching for Coffee Right Away
Studies have shown time and time again that caffeine really can jump-start your metabolism. It can also reduce your chances of developing diabetes as well. That doesn’t mean you should always enjoy a giant cup of coffee first thing in the morning. When you sleep, you are fasting from food and even water. When you do this, you can easily become dehydrated and this is especially the case in winter when the heat is up and the air is dry. Getting up and reaching for a cup of coffee will only make your dehydration worse.
We live in a productivity-obsessed society. It is human nature to try and take on as many tasks as possible, but this could be working against you. You may find that you end up being burnt out and that you also struggle to keep up with everything. With all of this going on, you really could end up setting yourself up for chronic stress. One way that you can stop overbooking yourself would be for you to start turning down invitations that you don’t have the time to go to. This will help you to start saying “no” more often and it will work wonders for your mental health.
Resorting to Google
The internet can be an awful source of information sometimes and it can also be a catalyst for anxiety when you use it to diagnose every single health concern you have. Patients are growing increasingly reliant on medical websites and even website-based forums so that they can diagnose themselves or even find out what they are afflicted with. Curable conditions can then be delayed, and treatments can be missed. This can come with physical ramifications as well as mental ones, so it is vital that you really take the time to visit your doctor if you have any questions or queries about your health
Not Eating Mindfully
Eating a sandwich while trying to type up a work email might sound like a good idea, but if you end up doing this too often then you may be mindlessly eating and this can lead to a huge range of digestive issues. You have to make sure that you are taking your time when eating your lunch and that you also track your calories as well. If you don’t then you may end up eating way more and this can cause you digestive stress and even weight gain. Taking the time to eat your lunch slowly and also properly chewing your food can have the reverse effect. You may find that you lose more weight and that you are also able to absorb more nutrients too.
Believe it or not, your neck is not designed to be in a constant forward-leaning position. When you text a lot, you may find that you cause yourself distress and even pain. If you want to get around this then make sure that you keep texting to a minimum. Sometimes a phone call will do. If you can, put your phone down for a few hours at night as well. This is probably harder than you think to do because we live in a society that is fueled by smartphone use. Silent mode is your friend here, and it also means that you will have more time to actually enjoy the other aspects of your life too, so it’s worth trying to do this from time to time. You’ll get a mental break and your physical health will benefit.
What are some things you do that you feel are hurting your health? Let me know in the comments below!