Why do we keep doing bad habits when we know the things we need to do in order to stop them? In the end it’s down to one thing, a lack of discipline. Into that tie many different things. We know that doing these bad habits is the easy route. We see that doing the […]
We all have that one person in our lives who we’d dread to get on our Secret Santa slip because they’re just well-known as the one who is super hard to buy for. This can be the brother who doesn’t seem to like much variety in his life or the niece who just seems to […]
Food is the most important thing we can manage to stay healthy every day. The food we consume makes up for 80% of our overall health and this is why diet can be a huge thing to consider when trying to get healthy in the summer and in life in general. Food not only helps […]
No matter what the size of your business or what industry sector it’s in, it’s important to have a professional email signature. Why you might ask? Well as you will be frequently sending emails to clients, customers and others within your business, you will want emails that look professional. An email signature is a […]
There are many reasons why people blog. Some people blog for the hobbyist aspect. With a love for writing, they can use their blog as a platform to hone their skills, no matter what subject they enjoy writing about. Others blog as a side-hustle. Not content with making one income from their usual occupation, they […]
If you’re living with hearing loss then you may find that at some point during your life you will have to use hearing aids. Whether you’re already using them or you know you’re going to be using them soon, it’s important you know exactly how to look after them. Not only will they be your […]
Sometimes it’s so easy to feel out of touch with your body, especially if you’ll admit that you’re not really one to go out of your way to look after it properly. But all that ever seems to be getting drilled into us at the minute, is how everyone should be on this big health […]
Unless you have magical powers like Benjamin Button, the chances are that you will get older at some point. Of course, this can bring some fantastic things with it, such as retirement, grandkids, and much more time to devote to the essential things in life. Sadly, aging can also bring some health issues along with […]
It won’t be long until you start having to plan and prepare once again for the new school year, so the sooner that you start thinking about it, the better. This is one of those things which, even though it comes around every year, always seems to catch you off guard, and that can mean […]
The teenage years are tough. Suddenly, that child that wanted to be with you every second of the day, that drove you mad by not letting you have a shower or go to the toilet on your own, is spending all of their time at home alone in their room. Even if you have managed […]