Author Archives: oneuniquequeen

Eco Emi Giveaway

Eco Emi Giveaway Sponsored by Eco Emi Hosted by Deals of Sweetness Co-Hosted by Pea of Sweetness Eco Emi is the first eco friendly sampling service. They offer the opportunity to review five to ten samples of natural, organic, green, eco-friendly products sent right to your door wrapped in chic earth friendly material made from […]

Step 2: 20-Day Continuation Pack

CONGRATULATIONS!! You’ve made it through the tough part, the 10-Day Cleanse! So what’s next, you ask? Now, that your body has been cleansed and replenished with nutrition that your body needs, you can now move forward onto step 2. It’s important to know that once you’ve cleared your system of the toxins, you don’t take […]

FarFaria Giveaway

FarFaria Giveaway Sponsored by FarFaria Hosted by Pea of Sweetness Co-Hosted by Deals of Sweetness FarFaria is a magical world where your child’s perfect story awaits. You and your children can discover fantasies and fables! Stories of whimsy, mischief, and mystery! It is available for both iPad and Android devices, so the adventure is never […]

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