Author Archives: oneuniquequeen

Day 3 Of My Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse

I’m still going. Here’s to day 3 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse! I received a text message from Purium today saying “Today is the toughest for most people. Don’t worry it starts getting better really soon!” They were not lying!  Today did seem a bit tough for me. I felt a bit nauseated this […]

Day 2 Of My Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse

So here we are, day 2 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Today was a much better day. I didn’t feel hungry and I had a good nights sleep. I was actually expecting today to have lots of headaches, tiredness and just being in a bad mood, however it was the opposite. I felt pretty […]

Good Work(s) Make a Difference Bracelet Giveaway

Good Work(s) Make a Difference Bracelet Giveaway Hosted by Pea of Sweetness Sponsored by Good Work(s) Make a Difference Co-Hosted by Deals of Sweetness Established in 2011, Good Work(s) Make a Difference® has been determined to deliver the most fashion-forward, uplifting, and inspirational bracelets and accessories. They contribute 25% of net proceeds to charitable organizations […]

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