Few more days to go! Here’s to making it to day 8 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Oh man, I’ve only got a few more days to go till the end of the cleanse. I can do this!! ย Since day 4, the days have been going by pretty quickly. ย Once you’re on rhythm with […]
Whoa! Can you believe it? Day 7 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse already! Wow, it’s already been 7 days, well technically 6 but still we are more than half way there. So far its been a great journey. Still in the rhythm of things… waking up and feeling good. Following through the program today […]
Happy Memorial Day! We have arrived toย day 6 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Although today is Memorial’s Day and there’s going to be lots of grilling and food and drinks every where, we’re back on track! Back to my regular schedule program! Woke up feeling kind of bad about yesterday but had to push […]
Half way there, kind of. Here’sย day 5ย of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Today, I woke up and took the Masters Aminos but that was it. I ended up skipping the rest of the day. I know it was a bad a idea. After waking up and taking the Masters Aminos, we all got dressed and […]
Oh, day 4ย of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Today, was a lot easier. I woke up took the Master Aminos supplement and since my alarm was set to take the Power Shake I ended up going back to sleep. Woke up to the alarm to take the Power Shake. I did that until 2:00 PM. […]
I’m still going. Here’s to day 3 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse! I received a text message from Purium today saying “Today is the toughest for most people. Don’t worry it starts getting better really soon!” They were not lying! ย Today did seem a bit tough for me. I felt a bit nauseated this […]
So here we are, day 2 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Today was a much better day. I didn’t feel hungry and I had a good nights sleep. I was actually expecting today to have lots of headaches, tiredness and just being in a bad mood, however it was the opposite. I felt pretty […]
Okay, so this is day 1 of my Purium 10-Day Transformation Cleanse. Last night, for some reason I couldn’t sleep and I ended up not waking up as early as I wanted to. I woke up a half hour late. My first supplement started at 7:30 AM and I adjusted the rest of the time […]
Today my Purium products have arrived. WooHoo! I’m excited to start this journey. Not only for myself but for my family as well. Since the products arrived today I’m not going to start taking it. I’ll start my 10-Day Transformation Cleanse tomorrow. This will allow me to start fresh at the beginning of the day. […]
For the past few years, I’ve really been more into trying to look for ways to help my family and I to live a healthier lifestyle. We are slowly but surely moving to a much greener, frugal, organic lifestyle. I’m tired of using products and eating foods that have all these harsh chemicals in it, […]