Being a glasses wearer isn’t easy. For those blessed with 20/20 vision, it’s difficult to comprehend life without clear vision from the moment you wake up. It’s automatic, but for glasses wearers, seeing clearly is a luxury. Often an expensive luxury. In fact, in the US, the average cost for a prescription pair of specs is $231, while the UK average is between £79 – £100.
Of course, cost isn’t the only challenge wearers face, as there’s also issues with smudged lenses, frames slipping down your nose, crooked frames, and so on. In short, as trendy as a pair of glasses can make you look, they’re not without their shortcomings. If, like many others, you’re finding your relationship with your specs tedious at best, there’s some clever hacks that can save the day. From purchasing your glasses to keeping them safe, there’s a tip or two in this guide that will help make daily life as a glasses wearer more simple.
Use Wax
This may sound like an unusual hack, to the point that you’re probably wondering how wax and glasses can even work together. Enter Nerdwax. This small stick of beeswax is championed for being the ideal solution to all your slippery specs problems. All wearers need to do is rub a small bit on the bridge of your frames, pop on your specs, and you should be good to go for hours without any slippage. During the summer months, this becomes especially helpful!
Buy Smart
If you’re in the market for a new pair of glasses, visiting a highstreet brand seems like the most logical option — if you purchase glasses from your opticians, everything is completed in one go. Although it’s tempting to do, it’s worth shopping around online to find the best prices for the type of frames and lenses you need. Crystal Vision Lenses and other such brands allow you to buy those fashionable glasses you want, but without the hefty price tag, meaning you don’t get penalized simply for needing help to see.
Be Prepared
When it comes to any necessity, it’s good to have a back-up plan for if something goes wrong. For some wearers, that means purchasing another pair of glasses, but while that’s a solid idea in theory, there’s a cheaper alternative: eyeglasses repair kits and 4-in-1 screwdrivers. These tools are a godsend for when those niggly, tiny screws become loose. Assuming the issue is only a minor one, you’ll be able to tighten up your frames without having to revisit your optician.
Gentle Cleaning
A lot of the time, the cost of the frames isn’t what stings you the most, it’s the lenses. This is why it pays to take care when cleaning your glasses; if you make sure to use the right equipment, you’ll get better longevity for your specs. Make sure to avoid anything alcohol based when cleaning your glasses, as this can damage the coating on your lenses, and never give the lenses a wipe with your clothes. Instead, use microfiber cloths, and when you want a deeper clean, reach for a diluted dish soap mixture.
What clever hacks do you have for wearing glasses? Let me know in the comments below!