Well if this isn’t something that most of us can relate to, then we don’t know what is. In more than one way, we can all relate to the fact that we feel like our body is given up on us. Whether it’s the killer colds we get in the winter, which prove how much weather really does affect us as humans. Or whether it’s the fact that one day we woke up tired many years ago, and we’ve never really recovered from it since. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Don’t get us started on the achy bones and muscles that seem to be getting worse as the years go on. But should we really be this young and feeling like we’ve got every single problem under the sun going on? No, we’re young, and our bodies should be giving us all of the life in the world. We should be full of boundless energy, we should feel like we can move like lightning, and we definitely shouldn’t feel such a lack of lust for life. If all of this sounds like what you’re suffering with, then we’re here to help. You’re one of the many millions across the world who is suffering, yet doing nothing about it. So keep on reading, and let us show you what we can do.
What’s Hurting & Why?
We wanted to begin by addressing one of the most pressing issues that there is out there at the minute, and that’s aches and pains that so many people around the world are suffering with. It’s not just specific to one gender, or one type of person, it seems to be everyone and anyone, and something needs to be done about it. Our bodies shouldn’t be screaming at us in the form of pain, but that’s exactly what they’re doing. So one of the most common reasons for such pain, is people suffering with sciatica. This can begin for many different reasons, and it’s the sudden onset of pain that radiates in the lower back, and can travel all the way down to the lower leg. Once sciatica starts, it’s just a waiting game for it to improve, which it eventually will do. However once an episode happens once, it’s most likely going to happen again, and that’s what a lot of people struggle with. Sciatic nerve pain can range from being mild and annoying, to completely life limiting for the period of time that lasts, but no matter what the extent of your pain is, it’s so important that you go and see a specialist to work on treatment. Treatment for severe sciatic pain usually involves some form of physiotherapy, and perhaps even some medication that helps with nerve pain. But the sooner you get it seen to, the easier it’s going to be to treat.
What Could Your Body Be Trying To Tell You?
Your body is probably trying to tell you a lot, and you’re probably not listening to it. So one of the big signs that’s usually ignored, is loss of appetite. Some of you will never experience this, and might even be a super stress eater. But a lot of you will know that you your appetite can dip and change, and it’s one of the ways that your body is trying to speak to you. It can be telling you that you need to relax more. It could be telling you that you need to drink more. It could be telling you that you need to stop working as much. Or, it could be telling you that something else is really wrong. A loss of appetite is one of the biggest indicators of an underlying issue, and it’s always worth going to the doctors to see if you can have a bit of a health MOT. Unless your body is changing for the better, always try and listen to what it’s telling you, because it might be trying to tell you something serious!
Reducing That Theoretical Age
There are some scales that will tell you what age your body is running at, and there are some tests that you can have done that will tell you what theoretical age you are. So to reduce that, it’s all about living a healthy lifestyle and being happy. Once you get the spark in you to change your lifestyle, it’ll all begin to change for you. We can’t give any other advice other than to live a healthy lifestyle, it’ll all work!
How do you keep your body from feeling like it’s 50 years older than what it is? Let me know in the comments below!