Embracing Your Body At Last

Every single woman out there is under pressure to feel confident, to look good and to exude beauty – and it’s a bunch of rubbish. This is the trouble with the world: the pressure put on women to conform to some warped beauty standard is putting women in a position where they find it hard to embrace their bodies. We spend our lives counting calories, binging and beating ourselves up and doing crazy workouts to make our bodies fit into smaller spaces. No matter how you look at it, the beauty standards are ruining our confidence.

That being said…

Girls, you can want to diet and lose weight FOR YOU. You can want to exercise and feel the burn FOR YOU. You can want to get gummy bear breast implants FOR YOU and not for any of the beauty standards out there. You can do whatever you want to make your body and your confidence feel fantastic, and you don’t have to be conforming to any kind of beauty standard as a result. You can want to change your body FOR YOU and still embrace it. Making changes doesn’t mean that you hate what you have: it means that you want to feel good and there are ways for you to do it. But, how do you get to that point of being able to embrace your body and feel confident and comfortable?

  1. Forgive your body for everything. Forgive yourself for the stress you have put yourself through to achieve beauty standards that don’t even exist for you. When you spend so much time criticizing yourself, you can forget to forgive your body for existing just the way that it does. Don’t be afraid to be okay with the way that you look, and forgive your body for not being β€œperfect” according to society.
  2. Laud your body for what it can do and not what it cannot do. There are millions of little systems in your body that are working to keep you alive and these systems need to be celebrated as much as possible. Your body is working and breathing and moving, and you should focus on those things and not the fact that your skin is not flawless.
  3. Put the negative feelings down and stop focusing on those feelings. There are so many positives that your body can embrace, and if you think about the things that your body does for you everyday, you can learn to love it even more.
  4. It takes time to accept your body the way that it is. Whether you have plastic surgery, tattoos or permanent make up, accepting your body is a mind thing and you can have the societally perfect body and not love that, either. So, look at yourself without judgement and smile – you’re alive!
  5. Pamper the heck out of your body! Go for massages and facials and know that you are valuable no matter your size you are. You can be a happy and healthy person and finally just be yourself with a little pampering.

What are some things you do to embrace your body? Let me know in the comments below!



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