As a responsible parent, you want to do everything in your power to make sure your brood is safe, happy and healthy. This is why you need to keep on top of their appointments and check ups when they crop up. Don’t be tempted to put off the optician or the doctor and keep to a schedule. By doing this, you are ensuring that their entire well being is being monitored and looked after. Take a look at these essential health check ups for your youngin .
If you have very young offspring, the chances are that you will need to keep a few appointments with the audiologist until they are around three years old. Ears are a delicate organ, especially at such a young age. Any hearing loss needs to be detected as early as possible so that a treatment plan can be put in place. Miss an appointment and you run the risk of developmental delay and isolation. No parent wants their child falling behind in class. An audiologist will conduct a series of pain free tests to ensure that your child’s hearing is developing. If any defect is found, you can learn more about potential hearing aids or surgical solutions.
Just like our ears, a child’s eyes are also precious. It’s important that you take them to the optician once a year at least. Any potential sight abnormality needs to be spotted straight away so corrective lenses can be administered. Some children have a lazy eye. This condition is common and not harmful, and tends to go away over time. However treatment is useful in speeding up recovery. Lazy eye happens when one eye is straining too much to keep up with the other eye that has better vision. Glasses should be worn alongside a patch on occasion, to help the eyes become more equal in vision. Short sightedness and long sightedness can always be corrected by glasses. This can help prevent headaches and tiredness in teenagers.
A checkup with a doctor should happen alongside your child’s vaccination schedule. Immunisation is hugely important to prevent the spread of diseases such as measles and mumps. By keeping your child protected, you are preventing them from contracting a potentially life changing disease. The early years of your little darling’s life are the most important and may require more frequent visits to the surgery. If in doubt about a fever, a snotty nose or a sore throat, a visit to the doctor can give peace of mind. If you struggle to get an appointment, a pharmacist can also give information and suggest simple remedies for non-serious ailments. Children tend to catch many bugs especially when they first start school, so try not to worry.
Being a parent can be terrifying, but it is hugely rewarding. These little bundles of joy that you unconditionally love deserve your best care. Make sure you keep on top of their health check ups to ensure that their well being remains your priority.
What other essential health check ups do you do for your youngin? Let me know in the comments below!