Baldness can affect profoundly the lives among men. There are several reasons for baldness. It could be due to cancer, medication, thyroid conditions, or anabolic steroids. Often the non-functioning androgens also cause hair follicles to shrink until it becomes shorter and more beautiful.
Not only men can suffer from hair loss. It is also common among women. Women are also experiencing balding because of mechanical or traction alopecia, high stress, and eating disorders.
Hair is essential to both men and women. The hair is vital for people to boost self-esteem, beauty, and style. Nowadays, the field of medicine offers the technology of hair restoration. Visit chtc.ca to know more and get the feel of preparing yourself for hair transplantation.
What is hair transplantation?
It is a surgical procedure of transplanting new hair follicles from a hair-loss resistant area to a balding and thinning area. The process gives a permanent restoration of hair. A hair transplant is not only for your head. It can also restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, pubic hair, chest hair, and even scars.
Who can undergo hair transplantation?
- People that are losing hair due to the pattern of baldness for more than five years
- Men and women who can understand that hair loss can continue even if they faithfully take prescription
- Persons who are interested to grow their hair and willfully follow medical orders
- Men and women that lost their hair due to trauma, accident or stress
Techniques that professionals use in hair transplantation
- Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)
The donor hair follicles are extracted in a small strip of tissue from the back of the head. It is where the hair follicles are harvested. The FUT procedure is the best fit for people that experience severe hair loss. It is because the FUT allows more grafts that can be transplanted in one session.
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
In FUE procedure, each follicle is individually taken from the scalp while no removal of the strip of tissue. It is the random removal of hair follicles in a less dense donor area that no one can quickly notice.
How to prepare yourself before a hair transplant procedure
- Do not take any aspirin, Motrin, vitamin E, alcohol, steroids, cortisone cream, green tea, and smoking because it can trigger more bleeding that will make the surgery difficult
- On the day of your surgery, take a shower and wash your hair with a regular shampoo
- Avoid using any hair spray and lotions
- Take a light breakfast but don’t drink milk, white tea, or coffee until 12 hours. When you are under anesthetic, your body reflexes will temporarily stop. If your stomach is full, likely you will experience vomiting or regurgitation.
- After the surgery does not drive under the influence of valium or pain killers, it can cause drowsiness and may lead to a road accident.
What should you be eating?
- Eat food that is rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins, and fatty acids to make your hair follicles functional
- Maintain a diet that is rich in iron and zinc to produce healthy hair and follicles
- Food that is rich in magnesium, calcium, and Vitamin B6 can be sources of nutrients to make sure healthy hair growth and active follicles.
- Add the following as well in your plate: Oily fish, sweet potatoes, beans, bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, nuts, and legumes.
Advantages of hair transplant
- Gives long-term results
- Cost-effective compared to medication treatments
- It is natural
- The patient is in control of the results after the surgery
Disadvantages of hair transplant
- Highly vulnerable to infections
- “shock loss” can possible happen- the possibility of losing hair after the surgery
- Development of scars
Have you had a hair transplant before? Let me know how it went for you in the comments below!