How To Banish Anxiety Without The Therapy Bills!

Anxiety is a horrible, life consuming condition that affects millions upon millions of us each year. It is scary and it can make you feel incredibly nervous to socialise or work. It can really sap your confidence and leave you feeling sluggish and generally unhappy. Anxiety is a huge umbrella term and can cover so many different symptoms and they all manifest completely different in different people. Anxiety may not just be a one time attack that makes you feel clammy and breathless, anxiety can be long term and affect our minds, how we think, how rational we are or may manifest physically such as digestive issues, dizziness, migraines, chronic pain, and it can be incredibly debilitating.

Relaxing may seem like a dream that is unobtainable but there are ways to relax, some of them may be more common and others a little more alternative but please feel free to speak to your doctor to see if anything is not possible for you to try.

There are plenty of ways to start feeling less stressed and a lot more at peace with yourself for a brand new decade.

1. Oils – essential oils are absolute magic if you allow them to be. Lavender oil in a diffuser or humidifier can be incredibly relaxing if you leave it on for an hour or so before bed. It can help relax the mind and body with its essential properties.

2. Tea – teas may seem such a simple solution but pure chamomile tea has so many properties that are brilliant for relaxing the mind and helping with any migraine issues. It is worth trying the pure tea, and add honey if you find the taste a little off putting but it truly is a brilliant way to help if you suffer with sleeping problems or chronic headaches.

3. CBD oil – cannabis oil can be a brilliant thing to try if you want to relax. Its properties are good for pain relief and relaxation and can be found at Los Angeles Dispensary but research a little online to make sure that your symptoms align with how it can help. Cannabis oil is definitely becoming a more popular choice.

4. Meditation – meditating takes time and practice and it is not an easy thing to do. Clearing your mind for ten minutes and concentrating only on your breathing is something that you will need to do to help clear the mind and allow you to feel a little less cluttered inside.

5. Exercise -gentle exercise can be a huge thing for your mind and body. If you suffer with anxiety when you leave the house then maybe you could do this with someone you trust but gentle exercise and fresh air can have an incredibly positive effect on the mind and can be good for any chronic pain, it’s a gentle form of exercising.

Together all of these tips can also help build your confidence. There is no need to suffer, start living a better life and start feeling more like you again!

What are some things you do to help with your anxiety without having to use pills? Let me know in the comments below!



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