What’s one thing we all know about modern life? The answer is that it’s non-stop – there’s always something to do (or something we feel as though we should be doing), and in the end, it’s no surprise that many of us feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and constantly playing catch-up (with varying degrees of success).
We’re told to prioritize self-care and listen to our bodies, but the truth is that when you’re juggling a million things at once, that advice can feel pretty unrealistic. So how do you actually feel your best without burning out? Without adding more to your to do list? Without feeling guilty for taking a break?
It’s not easy – at least not at first and not all the time – but there are some things you can do and with that in mind, keep reading to find out more.
Stop Treating Rest Like A Reward
We should start with the most important idea, and the one that might take the most time to get your head around – you’ve got to remember that rest isn’t something you earn after working hard. Instead, it’s a necessity, and, of course, it’s what allows you to work hard in the first place.
Burnout happens when you ignore the warning signs – when you push through exhaustion, rely on caffeine to function, and tell yourself you’ll take a break when everything’s done and you’re in a good place to do so. But actually, there’s always something to do, so going along these lines basically means you never get a chance to stop and rest.
The best ways to start getting more rest include scheduling it into your day like you would do with anything else important – and even if it ends up only being five minutes here and there, that’s better than nothing. And then there’s the guilt to think about. Although it doesn’t make much sense, it can often feel as though we’re doing something bad when we stop work for a moment (or longer). But if you can see how productive you can be after you’ve had enough rest, you’ll realize that it’s the best thing you can do overall, and the guilt should eventually disappear.
Don’t Make Nourishing Your Body Complicated
Eating well doesn’t have to mean spending hours meal prepping or following strict diets – in fact, it’s best not to worry about that as you might end up making yourself more stressed or perhaps ill. It’s really so much simpler than all of that and the fact is that your body needs fuel to function, and it’s your job to give it what it needs. That’s it. It doesn’t have to get overwhelming and difficult to get it right.
The key is to focus on balance rather than trying to be perfect. Protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs are what keeps your energy levels nice and stable, so you’ll want a good balance of those. And you’ll need to stay hydrated otherwise you’re going to feel fatigue, brain fog, and even mood swings, so keep a water bottle nearby to help yourself. Plus, although sugary snacks might give you a quick boost, they’ll leave you feeling worse later when you crash, so it’s better to try healthy snacks that fuel you for longer.
And if weight management is part of your journey, new options like Semaglutide for weight loss are offering people a safe medical way to become healthier and fitter. Of course, you’ll still need to eat well and exercise, but this kind of thing could be a good start.
Move And Enjoy It
Exercise is meant to energize you, not totally exhaust you, and if the thought of working out feels like a chore, you’re basically doing it wrong – as we’ve said, listening to your body, although it can be tricky, is often the very best thing you can do, and when it comes to exercise, it’s vital.
So if you hate the gym, don’t go. Do something else instead. Try a yoga class or go hiking or dance in the kitchen to an energetic song… It’s far better to do something you like than try to force yourself to exercise in a way that doesn’t make sense or work for you. That way, you’ll be more motivated to keep going, and you’ll see better results. The fact is that exercise isn’t a punishment for eating badly or not taking care of yourself, but it can feel like that if you don’t add in the enjoyment factor. What works for one person might not work for you, so try a few things out and see what you like best – that’s what you’ll want to stick with.
Set Good Boundaries
One of the main reasons people burn out is that they say yes to everything. That might sound strange, but it’s true – saying yes no matter what you’re asked is just a route to disaster because you’ll be so tired and stressed out that you’ll get sick and burnout really quickly. And then you won’t be able to do any of the things you need to do for yourself, let alone anyone else.
So of course, you need to learn to say no. We don’t mean to say no to everything, but you’ve got to weigh up what people are asking you and determine whether or not it’s something that you really can do or that you even want to do. If not, say no. You don’t have to justify your reasons or explain why you can’t do what someone’s asked, and once you realise that, saying no becomes a lot easier.
If saying no really is a challenge – and it probably will be if you’re used to just saying yes to everyone and everything – use your diary to block out non-negotiable personal time and then protect it. You can do whatever you want in that time (rest, a hobby, reading, or maybe just doing absolutely nothing), and that’s going to help you see how important it is, and make saying no a lot easier. If you’re able to get rid of the people-pleasing you’re so used to, you’ll have a much happier, healthier life.