Watching an elderly relative lose their independence and vigor can be a really difficult experience, and it’s more than likely you’ll be searching for several ways that you can provide them with some assistance during their time of need. Luckily, there are many different steps that you can follow to support your elderly relative, offering them the helping hand that they need to stay happy and healthy for as long as possible. So, if you would like to find out more, simply read on to uncover the best tips and tricks that you can utilize today!
Adapt Their Home For Ultimate Independence
More often than not, one of the greatest fears an elderly person has involves them having to leave their family home to go into full time senior residential care. Fortunately you can help to put this move off for the foreseeable future, as there are many ways that you can adapt their home to allow them to keep their independence and live comfortably without any outside assistance. First off, install some grab bars in any high traffic areas such as corridors, making sure you include the bathroom walls to help them go to the toilet on their own. If they have several floors to their home, think about installing a stair lift that can transport them from one level to the next without the risk of trips and falls. Purchasing ergonomic furniture that can be controlled by a remote to lift them up and onto their feet is another brilliant step to take!
Monitor Their Health & Wellbeing
As you age your risk of encountering many different health conditions begins to increase, and experiencing issues with mobility and memory can have a really negative affect on your elderly relatives quality of life. However, your elderly relative may not notice their decline, or potentially even choose to ignore it – this means that you must take on the responsibility of monitoring their health and wellbeing, as it’s vital that someone can be there to spot any warning signs and aid them in seeking the appropriate treatment. You can book a visit with a hearing aid specialist, opticians service and general doctors practitioners to ensure they stay in tip top condition, just remember to provide transportation (and a few friendly reminders so they don’t forget!).
Provide Access To Socialization
Getting sufficient socialization as you age can be terribly difficult, as it can seem harder to get out of the house each and every day and many people end up experiencing serious symptoms of isolation as a result. Providing your elderly relative with access to socialization is key for their mental wellbeing, as it will provide them with motivation and inspiration, as well as something to think about and look forward to. Even popping round with a freshly baked cake to share a slice over a cup of tea will turn their week around, so don’t doubt the importance of socializing regularly.
Offering your elderly relative a helping hand has never been so simple.
What do you do to offer a helping hand to your elderly relative? Let me know in the comments below!