Time flies when you’re having fun and all of a sudden you might realize that it’s been a long time since you’ve been to the doctor, seen the dentist, had your ears checked or visited the optician. While this is excellent news as it means you won’t have had any complaints, it might also be useful to check nothing is going on that you’re not aware of, or is there something that you’ve been ignoring because you’ve been having too much fun or been too busy. It is a good idea to visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy, but they can check for current or emerging medical problems, assess your risk of future medical issues and prompt you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It’s also an excellent time to examine your lifestyle to see what improvements can be made. Here are a few signs you should not ignore and might be telling you it’s time for a check-up:
You’re Suffering From A Lot Of Colds
Has the common cold become a bit too common? If you have a cold regularly or you have one which you just can’t shift or gets worse, then it’s a good idea to seek professional help. If you have a severe cough that lingers for more than two weeks, it could indicate that you have whooping cough. If you have a fever, muscle aches, or other flu-like symptoms, you may have the flu. The elderly, pregnant women, and anyone with heart disease should exercise extra caution, as they are more likely to develop complications from the flu. Also if you’re having trouble swallowing, chest pain and shortness of breath then these are not the usual cold symptoms and may indicate a more severe condition.
You’ve Lost Weight Suddenly
…and without explanation. If this has happened to you, then you have an overactive thyroid, diabetes, depression, or liver disease. If you have lost more than 10% of your body weight in the last six months, then it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor.
You’re Turning Up The Volume
Loss of hearing can creep up on you, so if you’re noticing that you have to have the TV louder than usual, you’re finding yourself asking people to repeat what they’ve said, or you’re struggling to hear people over background noise, then these could all be signs that your hearing is deteriorating. It’s nothing to panic about but a good idea to get it checked out. You can click here to find out more information about hearing aids.
You’re Losing Your Breathe
Unless you’ve been in high altitudes, doing strenuous exercise, are obese or living in extreme temperatures, then you should not be experiencing breathlessness. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of asthma or bronchitis.
Your Toilet Habits Have Changed
Because bowel movement and urination can vary from person to person, it’s essential to look out for a sudden change in your own pattern. It could be bloody or black stools, diarrhea or constipation, or excessive urination. When these crop up, it’s a good idea to consult with your doctor.
How do you know when it’s time for check up? Let me know in the comments below!