Christmas is a time of fun and family, but it’s also a time that little treats turn to gluttony and bad habits get to spill over and encourage you to lose control. Staying happy and healthy through the holiday period is so important, but many people find it tough to stay strong by not giving in to their temptations. Luckily, it doesn’t have to be as stressful as you might think to stay in the driving seat this Christmas, as there a few great mechanisms that can aid you in plucking up the courage to say ‘NO’. So, if you want to know more about how you can keep control and make the most of this years festivities without overdoing it, then read on to uncover some of the best top tips that can help to ensure you stay on the right track.
Eating & Drinking To Excess
At Christmas time, the food and drinks that you consume each day becomes a kind of event, and a lot of time, money and effort are spent creating and purchasing extravagant dishes and tipples. Most people would agree that you simply cannot let it all go to waste, so in just a few weeks your calorie intake can as much as double whilst your activity levels generally plummet. This combination brings very few positives, as your waistline is sure to increase whilst your overall health deteriorates, making it harder for you to fight off those winter illnesses that make their rounds during the festive period. Sticking to a healthy diet might seem tough, but you do not have to go overboard simply ‘because its Christmas’ – of course you can have a couple of treats every now and then, but it’s obvious that chocolate for breakfast is not going to do you any favors. If you’re worried about your alcohol intake during the festivities, it’s a good idea to get in contact with some support, such as those over at the Lake Wellness Center. Lots of Christmas activities go hand in hand with drinking, and this can make is difficult to avoid, but having someone there to guide you can make the process so much more simple.
Putting A Cap On Your Spending
One of the worst things to do after making it through the Christmas period is to check your bank balance, as after all of the food, drink, presents, decorations and everything else have been deducted, you may have nothing left. Putting a cap on your spending before the festivities get underway will help dramatically, as setting a specific budget will help to give you something you can stick to and track. Buying lots of presents may appear on the surface to make others happy, most are materialistic and environmentally unfriendly, being thrown in the trash shortly after being received. Instead of wasting your money on something so detrimental, why not try to create a homemade gift instead? Baking a batch of fresh cookies is a lot cheaper, and will also be considered more thoughtful than an off the shelf alternative too.
How do you keep in control at Christmas time? Let me know in the comments below!