Let’s face it – a large percentage of people have seen their weight creep up thanks to numerous lockdown orders making food more accessible than ever. It would seem the only way to celebrate with bars and most other venues closed is by eating your favorite foods, and this is no doubt going to encourage a few extra pandemic pounds. However, gaining back control over your weight needn’t be as difficult as you might expect, as there are just a few key tips and tricks that you can make the most of to totally transform the way that you look and feel in no time at all. So, if you would like to find out more about how you can quit your unhealthy habits for good, then simply read on to uncover some of the best steps that you can follow today.
Focus On Nutrients, Not Calories
Making a conscious effort to avoid certain foods is one of the worst things that you can do when attempting to change your lifestyle, as everything needs to be done in moderation. Cutting out whole food groups such as abstaining from carbohydrates or saying no to sweets full stop will only make you want these foods more, and you likely won’t be able to get them off your mind no matter how hard you try. This is why it’s best to shift away from the calorie content of your diet, and focus more on the nutritional side of things. Ask yourself a simple question before you choose to eat something – can this food benefit my journey to good health? If the food contains a varied source of nutrients then the answer should always be yes! Oftentimes in the natural world colours dictate the vitamins that a food contains, so eating a rainbow of different fruits and vegetables will ensure that your diet is packed full of nutrients that can provide you with sustainable energy and so much more. Don’t feel guilty if you fall into temptation as your diet needn’t be 100% clean – you can treat yourself to something ‘unhealthy’ every now and then, but be sure not to go overboard. Remind yourself that this food is not helping you in any way, and may actually be causing damage to your well-being.
Learn To Love Exercise
Many people say that health, fitness and physique is 80% diet and 20% exercise, but that 20% most definitely still matters. Without exercise you won’t be able to improve your strength or stamina, and you likely won’t be able to burn off the calories that you consume even if it isn’t as much as you’re used to. A great way to start your journey is by performing a few home workouts, as this way you can learn more about which exercises you enjoy doing. There are many videos and tutorials online that you can utilize to identify a range of home workout routines, as well as advice columns and internet forums that can be of assistance. If you want to hit the gym to get your exercise fix then don’t forget to pack a few gym equipment wipes in your bag to sanitize before you get into it!
How have you managed to lose your lockdown weight without putting it back on? Let me know in the comments below!