You’re among the mos hardworking, ambitious and creative (yet chronically misunderstood) generation. If you’re anywhere between your mid 20s and late 30s you’re a millennial. The generation that apparently loves avocado toast and hates fiscal responsibility. You battle against negative stereotypes, unaffordable property prices and the rigors of career and parenthood with aplomb, taking it all in your stride. Yet, while you may not be aware of it, you are especially vulnerable to a number of health issues. Health issues that have been around for as long as there have been human beings, but are of particular concern to your generation. Let’s take a look at some of the most increasingly common health problems that blight millennials…
1. Burnout
Despite accusations of laziness and entitlement, millennials are actually one of the hardest working generations ever, working longer hours and under more stressful conditions than many of their parents did at the same age. If you’re also a parent, the combination of stress, long hours and no outlet for relaxation can lead to burnout. It’s not for nothing that millennials have been called the “burnout generation”. Which is why it’s so important that they have a support network which allows them to take the time to exercise, eat nutritious meals and safeguard their wellness no matter how busy they are.
2. Hearing loss
We tend to associate hearing loss with older people, not the uber-cool millennial generation. Nonetheless, hearing loss is an increasingly common problem for millennials. The millennial love of coffee and salty snacks can exacerbate genetic conditions like Meniere’s Disease which can lead to hearing loss. Likewise, spending time listening to music, podcasts and audio books on their headphones every day can cause millennials’ hearing to deteriorate. This can make it harder to follow conversations in public places, put strain on your work and social life and even complicate your relationship with your significant other.
3. Depression
A hectic working life, heavy student debt, living in a time of economic uncertainty, spending too long looking into screens, it all adds up to create a recipe for depression. Statistics show that millennials, despite their reputation for always hanging out in coffee bars, are actually among the loneliest and most depressed generations. Which is why it’s so essential for them to enjoy a healthy diet, exercise regularly, get out of their homes and spend some time in nature, and get plenty of sleep. Speaking of which…
4. Sleep deprivation
Finally, illennials are widely regarded as screen slaves, rarely going an hour without checking their phones. But while this may not always hew as closely to the truth as baby boomers would have us believe, an excess of screen time can lead to a worrying lack of sleep. While we’re asleep, our bodies carry out all kinds of repairs and maintenance which are needed to keep our bodies healthy. And when we spend too much time on our phones and tablets, they can bathe us in blue light which blocks the sleep hormone melatonin and can lead to insomnia.
What other health concerns do you feel millennials face today? Let me know in the comments below!