Simple Ways You Can Boost Your Self-Esteem

Confidence is something you can lose quickly and take an age to regain. There are several causes of low confidence, but often, there are simple ways you can gradually build self-esteem. Whether you struggle with a lack of confidence in the way you look, or you’re not very good at recognizing your strengths and blowing your own trumpet, here are some steps you can take today.

Spend time with people that make you feel good

Do you ever dread hanging out with a specific friend or a group of friends because they make you feel inadequate in some way? Many of us have people in our social circles who, if we’re honest, don’t make us feel all that great about ourselves. If you’ve got low confidence, the last thing you need is to spend time with people who will chip away at it even more. Surround yourself with friends and family members that make you feel good about yourself instead.

Devote a little more time to yourself

If you work long hours, or you’re a parent, you might find that you don’t devote a huge amount of time to yourself. Even something as simple as taking your time to get ready or putting a bit of makeup or a new dress on can make such a difference to the way you feel. If you’ve neglected yourself of late, and you’ve been running around after others, take a few minutes to have a hot bath, go to the hair salon or check out some dress boutiques online and update your wardrobe. It’s wonderful to be a hands-on mom and to work hard, but it’s easy to get lost and feel like you’ve lost your identity along the way.

Get moving

Exercise is one of the best ways of lifting your mood and building your confidence. Moving more won’t just impact your physical health and the way you look. It will also reduce stress and make you feel good. When you’re moving around, your body releases endorphins and the levels of serotonin in your brain increase. Whether you go for a jog, you do a yoga session at home, or you play tennis with a friend, you’ll always feel better afterwards.

Start being kinder to yourself

A lot of us struggle with the idea of self-love. The truth is that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with caring for yourself and being kind to yourself. If we all treated ourselves like we did our closest friends, a lack of confidence would be a much rarer problem. It can be easier said than done, but focus on your strengths, understand that nobody is perfect, and be prepared to give yourself a break. Try not to focus too much on what other people think. The chances are that you’re worrying about things that those people haven’t even thought about.

It’s not always easy to build confidence, especially if you’ve had a knock-back, but there are things you can do to regain and increase self-esteem. Spend time with people that lift you up, get your body moving, treat yourself to some β€˜me’ time, and be kinder to yourself.

How do boost your self esteem? I’d love to know in the comments below!



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