The Transformation Factory – Sea Moss Gel Review

The Transformation Factory – Sea Moss Gel
Retail Price: $35.99+

About The Transformation Factory:

The Transformation Factory is a black-owned and operated business founded by entrepreneur Alexiou Gibson. The Transformation Factory is an edible Sea Moss Gel production company that is based in the United States. The company uses β€œwildcrafted” sea moss or β€œIrish” sea moss – which means it is harvested from its natural environment in unpolluted waters, without any chemical fertilizers or pesticides before blending it with spring water.

The Transformation Factory is the culmination of Alexiou Gibson’s more than 10 years of battling health issues. He has used every disappointment, achievement, heartbreak, success, and learning moment to create the concept of The Transformation Factory as a resource and inspiration for those trying to become their best selves.

Alexiou started his transformation in 2014 when his physician told him that he would not live to see thirty. Weighing in at over 500 lbs. at 21 years of age, he was told that his body was in disrepair and he was too far gone to make any significant changes to his health. At that time his body was riddled with multiple chronic conditions. He also had respiratory conditions making it difficult to walk long distances. Now, years later, Alexiou has completely changed his lifestyle, and lives a vegan lifestyle, powers through dips and squats, and finds any opportunity he can to coach, inspire and encourage.

This company was also on the T.V. show Shark Tank, and accepted a deal with two of the sharks, Kevin Hart and Mark Cuban for $600,000!

What is Sea Moss:

Sea moss, also known as Irish Moss, is a species of red algae. The marine plant, whether raw, powdered, or blended into a gel, has been linked to numerous health benefits. Sea moss is a whole food superfood that contains 92 of the 102 trace minerals found in the body. In addition to those 92 essential minerals, Sea Moss also has loaded with protein, beta carotene, B vitamins, pectin taurine, and vitamin C. Because of these vitamins and minerals, some benefits including better gut health, reducing the risk of heart disease, and supplementing nutrients and minerals. It can also improve blood sugar control, help grow strong and healthy hair, and boost immunity!

Where to buy:

You can purchase Sea Moss Gel online at The Transformation Factory’s website.

Important links:

For more information, visit Also be sure to check out The Transformation Factory’s social media sites: Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, TikTok.

My Sea Moss Gel Review:

The Transformation Factory sea moss gels come in multiple flavors. All the flavors are natural and delicious, including Pineapple, Strawberry Banana, Strawberry, Mango, Elderberry, Dragon Fruit, Soursop, Goji Berry and raw sea moss if you want flavorless sea moss gel. They also makes capsules for those who would want to take nutrients as vitamins. All the products used to makeΒ sea moss gel are organic, vegan, keto-friendly, and zero-gluten and lasts 2-3 weeks inside a refrigerator.

The flavors that was sent to me were – Pineapple, Strawberry Banana and Elderberry.

Pineapple Sea Moss Gel

Supercharge your day with Transformation Factory’s Pineapple Sea Moss Gel. This blend combines the 92 minerals from sea moss with the bromelain, vitamin c, manganese, phosphorus, and B1 vitamins in pineapples. Pineapples can be especially beneficial because they are the sole source of bromelain, a combination of protein-digesting enzymes that fight inflammation in the body. Combine this incredible fruit with the minerals contained in sea moss you have a great addition to your health regimen. Also note that our sea moss blends do not contain white sugar or sugar substitutes. Our ingredients are simple, sea moss, pineapples and agave.

Strawberry Banana Sea Moss Gel

Supercharge your day with Transformation Factory’s strawberry banana sea moss gel. This combination of mineral packed sea moss with organic bananas and strawberries is rich with vitamins, minerals, nutrients, antioxidants , and plant compounds. All of which contribute to healthy cell functioning. This is a perfect mix for a sea moss shake. In addition, none of our products contain white sugar or sugar substitutes. Our ingredients for this blend are simple, sea moss , strawberries and agave.

Elderberry Sea Moss Gel

Stimulate your immune system with Transformation Factory’s Elderberry Sea Moss Gel. This blend combines the 92 minerals from sea moss with the vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants in the form phenolic acids, flavanols and anthocyanins contained in elderberry. Elderberry is commonly used to boost the immune system and treat colds and flu. Transformation Factory sea moss blends do not contain white sugar or sugar substitutes. Our ingredients for this blend are simple, sea moss, elderberry, and agave.

My First Reaction/Review of each Sea Moss Gel

@oneuniquequeen The Transformation Factory – Sea Moss Gel Review #TheTransformationFactory #SeaMoss #Gel #Review #Superfood #Health #Reels #SeaMossBenefits #HealthyFood #SeaMossGel #SeaMossLife #Wellness #Lifestyle #FYP #Vibes #Energy #Balance #ContentCreator #KitchenStaples #Boost #MusicByKroamD #FirstReaction #Organic #Vegan @seamosstransformation @kroamdbeats ♬ original sound OneUniqueQueen

Explore the sea moss flavors and bundle options here.


Have you tried any of these products from The Transformation Factory before? I’d love to hear your thoughts on them in the comments below!



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