With all the skincare options out there, it can be a minefield to try and find the right things. But maybe you’re asking the wrong question? When it comes to age, we have to remember this just a number. But when we start to factor in the wide variety of things that could help us to look younger than our digits, what does it really take? In fact, it’s about a handful of simple components.
The Right Skincare Products
We spend a lot of time looking for the magic cure, but when we are shopping for skincare products, we’ve got to pick three important ingredients. Vitamin C, retinoids, and alpha hydroxy acid. The latter is an exfoliator that removes the top layer of dead skin; retinoids increase cell turnover and stimulate collagen, and Vitamin C is something we all know about. It’s always a good idea to do your research into the latest skincare products, but this can be a minefield to get into. The top blog on organic skincare ideas and reviews: SowOurPlanet.com, provides up-to-date information on the latest products that can help you.
Go Easy on the Foundation
It becomes an issue as we get older because we try to put more makeup on to hide the wrinkles. But if you use a heavy foundation, this will settle into the rough patches on your face. The best thing we can do is use a transparent moisturizing foundation. Using anything with a powder base will help us to maintain youthful-looking skin. It is also worth using a primer before you put any foundation on, as this will make the foundation go on smoothly.
Moisturize More Than Your Face
Moisturizing should be part of our daily routine, but we also need to remember that as we get older, our neck loses its elasticity more than anywhere else. And it is crucial to take care of your neck as you would your face. Moisturize every morning and night, and make sure that you exfoliate at least once a week. You can also do more to make your neck look younger, such as neck stretching exercises.
Wear SPF, No Matter the Weather
Sunscreen is essential, even if the sun is not out. It’s important to add this into your daily routine. Sun damage will cause wrinkles, but will also leave you running the risk of getting skin cancer. Make sure that you use an SPF 30, but if you think that an SPF 50 is worth your while, make sure you don’t go any higher because there is little evidence that it provides more benefits. An SPF 30 is more than enough. But the best way to look younger is to actually stay out of the sun. This is the main reason our skin gets older.
Look for the Right Ingredients
Because there are so many products out there, you need to find skincare products with Vitamin C, retinoids, and alpha hydroxy, but anything with Coenzyme Q10, Niacinamide, and tea extracts will also give you an extra boost.
What do you do to make yourself look younger than your age? Let me know in the comments below!