If you’re buying some stones for a piece of jewelry that you’re having made, or you want to make sure that you know the quality of the jewelry that you’re buying, you should know what you’re paying for. Here, we’re going to look at the qualities that you’re looking at when you choose your diamonds.
The quality
When it comes to the objective quality of a diamond, then you should make sure that you know its 4 Cs, the carat (weight/size,) the cut (shape,) the clarity (how many imperfections are in it,) and the color (how clear or yellowish it is.) Where your preferences fall on each of these scales is up to you, but you should make sure that the stone you are buying has a certification to make it clear that you’re buying exactly what you pay for. If you don’t have the certificate, you could be getting a false bill of goods.
The price tag
If you’re looking for ways to cut the costs of your wedding, then getting a somewhat less expensive ring is going to help a lot. You can look at reducing some of the quality by going lower in the scales mentioned above. However, you can also compare rings of the same cut, quality, cut, and color to see who is offering those specific kinds of diamonds for less. Finding some second-hand diamonds can help you make some major savings, but if you’re buying from the stores, you should know that there are no really great deals on diamonds.
Where they came from
If you want to know that you’re getting good diamonds that have been through all of the quality assurance tests that matter, then you should take a look at where the diamonds came from. Usually, jewelers buy from suppliers, so you should look more closely at suppliers such as reading this Crafted by Infinity review. Comparing the suppliers can give you an idea of how long they have been in business, what kind of diamonds they supply, as well as the history of those diamonds, such as whether or not they are conflict-free diamonds.
How they were formed
There’s a new competitor when it comes to the world of diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds (often called synthetic diamonds, even though they are just as “real” in terms of composition as any other diamonds. These are, as the name suggests, created in laboratories from carbon, usually by replicating the same forces and pressures that create the diamonds that would be mined from the earth. Aside from allowing buyers to avoid some of the complicated histories that can come with a lot of naturally mined diamonds, lab-grown diamonds can also cost less than those that have been mined, making them a very suitable alternative.
With the tips above, you can make sure that you know the diamonds that you’re getting and, more importantly, that you’re not getting ripped off. Buying diamonds is tough and expensive as-is, you don’t need any more difficulty while you do it.
What other things do we need to know when it comes to buying diamonds? Let me know in the comments below!