Getting married is always going to be a special occasion. But when you’ve just got engaged and you’ve come out of the romance and fog of it all, you may find that you have no idea where to start. These days, it’s safe to say that weddings are always a big deal. And no matter what kind of idea you have in mind for your dream wedding day, you may find that there’s a lot to plan. Most of the time, it can be overwhelming. After all, this is about love and spending the rest of your life with someone. It’s not just about a big fancy day! Yet, at the same time, you still need to get something planned in. As scary as that can seem when there’s so much that needs your attention, the best way to look at it is for you to prioritize.
Unless you have an off the chain budget and you know that money is not an issue (lucky you), you will need to be careful with the money that you allocate to different parts of the wedding. It’s only natural. And right now, you may be thinking – how am I going to do that? Because surely all of it matters, right? Well, yes in some ways – but there will be things that you care about more than others, and that’s generally a good place to allocate the bulk of your budget. So, let’s take a look.
The Planning
To start with, you may find that the planning part is really important to you. Sure, you know that you’re going to invest a lot of money in the main day itself, but it’s also fun and nice to think about how you can create build up. When it comes to getting people excited, having the right Pure invitation wedding invitations or even the shower and bachelorette party – it can all be fun. So maybe this is the most important part for you?
The Blessing
Now, onto the big day itself, if you know that you want to really make a fuss of the wedding, then it could be the case that you decide to really place a lot of time and planning on the blessing itself. Sometimes, if you are getting married abroad or in a place that doesn’t officiate the wedding, you may need to do this before the actual wedding itself. And if the marriage matters the most, then be sure to plan this perfectly.
The Location
For you, it could be that the location really matters. If that’s the case, you’ll want to be sure that you’re picking out a venue that you love. Sometimes, people dream of having the most amazing wedding. And if that’s you, it’s important for you to think about where and invest in it.
The Dress
One of the most exciting things that you might be able to find for your wedding is choosing the dress. Because you know that you want to look great, right? And it can be amazing for you to think about having your princess moment. So, make sure that you are happy with choosing your dream wedding dress and that you pick something that you love. And yes, this can mean that you put your budget in this area.
How You Feel
From here, it may even be that the way you feel is just so important to you. If you know that you want to put a lot of time, attention, and money into the way the venue looks or the dress – you have to feel good. You don’t want to be stressed or feel like you could look better. You want to feel your best and look gorgeous too. So make this your priority, think about what you can do to feel your best on the big day.
The Food
If you’re a foodie, then you will know just how important it is for you to invest in the food. So don’t stress – just make sure that you taste all of the things that matter and that you invest in the food that will make you happy on the big day.
The People
From here, you may then also want to think about the people you want to invite. Because there are always going to be people that you want there and those that you’re not really sure you should invite. The guest list can also be a source of tension between you and your other half. So, you’ll want to make sure that you are ironing this out between you, and that you are creating a wedding that fits the kind of guest list you want.
The Entertainment
And then we have the entertainment. Because we all want to be able to have fun at the wedding, right? Then why not think about what kind of music or events you want to have at the reception so that everyone can have such a great time.
The Flowers
Something that you may find is really important to you is the flowers – or, the décor in general. Sometimes, you will want to make sure that your venue is decorated beautifully. When that’s the case, you might want to make sure that you are finding the right kind of flowers to bring into your wedding day. And that means that it’s definitely okay for you to splurge a little in this area.
Celebrating With Your Loved One
Finally, you may find that the most important part for you is that you are celebrating your love with your husband and loved ones around you. It may be that you don’t really mind what’s going on with everything as long as you are there and your partner is there, and that you get to celebrate with your friends and family. If that’s the most important part to you, then don’t worry so much about everything else, but it will all fall into place like it’s meant too.
What do you believe is the most important part of your wedding day? Let me know in the comments below!!